Courses in Development to Excite and
Stretch Your Mind

Learn faster — easier — and deeper!

You can do it! Techniques and tips to learn so easily that you are amazed. No more worries that you are not smart enough, talented enough, or whatever. 

Fish jumping out of his bowl because he jump into the nearby ocean.
Belief in self, grit, and education.

Do you believe in your ability to learn anything, do anything no matter how difficult? Have you ever failed a test even though you studied? Did you give up, or did you pull your pants up, cry a bit, and try again?

This course is designed to help you believe in yourself, develop grit, and do great no matter what the situation is.

Young girl loving a chemistry lab.
Snapshots of chemistry —
A friendly approach

Chemistry is sneaky. It starts as such an easy class, but it gets harder and harder and harder till the end of the year. Unfortunately many give up before they get to the end, and then they miss some of the fun and most important points. 

Not only will this course fill some of those gaps, but it will be fun, friendly, disrespectful, and probably funny too. 

Man climbing up 37 steps on a pile of books about to tip over to get an "A."
37 steps to doing well in science

What an odd number. Are you serious?

Well… Not really, but when released, once a week there will be a tip on how to ace science including the reasons that tip works. Some of those reasons will be based on practical life skills, and some on cutting edge neuroscience. 

Stay tuned. 
